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- Executive Director of the Asociacion de Mujeres Jueces de Argentina
-Former President of the Asociacion Internacional de Mujeres Jueces
-Director of the Entre Rios Judicial Training Institute

Dr Juan  Bautista Alberdi

● Minister of the Superior Court of Justice of Entre Ríos (since September 9, 2004 to date)
● Former Vice-President of the Superior Court of Justice of Entre Ríos (2014-2015 and 2018-2019)
● Former President of Sala N o 3 del Trabajo del STJ (Periods 2008-2010; 2014- 2015 and 2018-2019)
● Director of the Instituto de Capacitación y Perfeccionamiento Judicial “Dr.Juan Bautista Alberdi” dependent of the STJ of Entre Ríos (since 2014 until today).
● Member of the Academic Area of the Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Jueces, from where he directs training programs.
● Member of the Academic Area of the Diplomature in Complex Crimes of the Universidad de San Isidro “Dr. Placido Marin”.
● Member of REFLEJAR (Red Federal de Escuelas Judiciales de Argentina)
● Member of the Commission for Access to Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (Since November 11, 2008 to date)

  Member of the Federal Board of Cortes y Superiores Tribunales del País y Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Since 2014 until the present day where it forms part of the Comisión de Género)

● President of the Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de Argentina. (Periods 2009/2011; 2011/2013, 2015/2017 and 2017/2019). She is currently its Executive Director.
● President of the Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Jueces (from May 29, 2016 to May 6, 2018). He is currently part of the Directory.

● Member of the Council of Notables of the National Commission for the elaboration of Sanctions against Gender Violence (CONSAVIG).
● Coordinator of the Forum “Justicia, Gender and Inclusion” of the National Commission for Justice and Peace, of the Argentine Episcopal Conference
● Honorary Consultant at the Instituto de Derecho de Género de la Asociación Argentina de Justicia Constitucional
● Member of the Academic Council of the Judicial Department of the Austral University, periods 2011-2013 and 2015-2017.
● Representative of the Superior Court of Justice of Entre Ríos before EUROSOCIAL and the Protocol for Access to Justice of Persons with Disability.
● Titular Member of the Honorable Jury of Judgment for Magistrates and Employees of Entre Ríos (Periods 2004-2005; 2008-2009; 2010-2011)
● Substitute Member of Jury of Judgment for Magistrates and Officials of the Province of Entre Ríos (Periods 2011-2012 and 2016-2017 and current date)
● Substitute Member of the Electoral Court of the Prov. From Entre Rios. (Periods 2010-2011 and 2012-2013)
● President of the Jury of Contests for Employees of the Judicial Power of Entre Ríos.

● Founding Member of the Asociación Argentina de Victimología
● Member of the Asociación Civil Justicia Democrática
● Member of the Association of Magistrates and Employees of Entre Ríos
● Member of the Argentine Association of Derecho del Trabajo
● Member of the Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de Argentina

● Receipt of the Diploma of Merit from the Association of Women Jueces of Argentina for his contribution to the promotion of the human rights of women, in August 2013

● Receipt of the Recognition of the Association of Magistrates and Employees of the Province of Entre Ríos for their work in favor of the rights of women. December 2016
● Outstanding Citizenship, by the Honorable Deliberative Council of the City of Paraná. December 2016
● Outstanding Citizenship, by the Honorable Chamber of Diputados de la Provincia de Entre Ríos. February 2017
● Huésped de Honor by Decree No055/08 of the Commune of Tolhuin, Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida and Islas del Atlántico Sur, February 22, 2008.
● Reconocimiento de la Montessori School, Lucknow, India, December 2008
● Huésped de Honor by Decree No1249 of the Gobierno de la Provincia
  Catamarca of August 31, 2011

● Huésped de Honor by Decree No 1328 of the Executive Power of La Rioja of August 26, 2015.
● Recognition of the Superior Court of Justice of Entre Ríos on December 12, 2014 for his “work at the service of the Justice”.
● Reconocimiento de la Provincia de Misiones through Vice-governor Dr. Oscar A. Herrera Ahuad, Ing. Orlando R. Franco Vice-President 1st Honorable Chamber of Representatives and Provincial Deputy Miriam M.
pezoa. October 2016
● Recognition of the Asociación de Mujeres Juezas de Guatemala, for “their important work in the struggle for equality and the human rights of women, through the promotion of their access to justice”.

Guatemala September 1, 2016.
● Recognition of the Asociación de Mujeres Juezas de Guatemala “in gratitude for their distinguished collaboration on behalf of the Guatemalan Justice System”. Guatemala September 1, 2016.

● Reconocimiento de la Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de Paraguay, May 2018
● Distinction of the Mexican Association of Juzgadoras, 2018
● Reconocimiento de la Asociación de Mujeres Juezas del Caribe. San Pablo (Brazil).2015
● Distinction of the Palestinian Judicial Institute, 2018
● Reconocimiento del Colegio de Abogados de la Capital Federal, March 2017

● El Concejo Deliberante de Córdoba, declares an Illustrious Visitor for its
Committed defense of the human rights of women and
incansable worker of equality, in November 2018.
● Distinction of the Supreme Consejo Grado XXXIII of the Argentine Republic,
● Former university professor at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) and at the Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos (UADER), and member of the Jury of the Competition. -
● Former professor of the Directorate of Police Institutes and of the School of Police Officers "Salvador L. Maciá" from the Province of Entre Ríos, in the Chairs of Penal Decree, Constitutional Decree and Penal Procesal Decree.
● Creator and promoter of the Programs for Access to Justice in the Province of Entre Ríos, for people in a situation of vulnerability: “La Justicia goes to the barrios”; “Rural Mobile Workshop” and “Floating and itinerant workshop”. -
● She has participated in numerous provincial, national and international congresses as an organizer, assistant and exhibitor, and has been a member of different Jurors.
● It has designed and directs different training and judicial improvement programs that have been developed from the Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de Argentina (AMJA)

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