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Maria Eduarda Soares de Mendonca

The fight for the rights of disabled people

She is affectionally called Duda by many. She was born with a rare disability that causes nanism and vision impairment. However, this did not keep her from making important achievements for herself and many others.

In the last 18 years, she has given over two thousand voluntary speeches on the inclusion of disabled people and the value of the human being.

Graduated in Law, she continues her fight for the rights of disabled people as an activist in the cause, having received important renown.

She received the Title of Comendadora da República do Brasil, the Cultural Medal of Honor, and the Rosa Motion in recognition of her work in the Inclusion of Disabled People.



E.V. (Eficiência Visual)

Ver, Olhar,
Olhos nublados
No nada;
A buscar o porquê
Olhos abertos
Fechados para o mundo físico.
Olhos que não vêem,
Olhos inertes,
Olhos de esperança eterna.
Olhos que esperam...
Olhos somente olhos...

Idalene André

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