This event seeks the visibility of women who made and make a difference, however, they remain anonymous in Brazilian history.
The legacy of these women has benefited and inspired individuals, societies, science, art and culture, even if they are not properly referenced.
Recognizing the importance of their contribution is a way of correcting historical indifference. And this, certainly, is also a way to evolve towards a more egalitarian and just society.
The conference will be held by women who are a reference when it comes to gender. To give space and visibility, it will bring together important universities from different countries, such as Centro Universitário de Brasília - UNICEUB (Brazil); Sevilla University (Spain); the Institute of Derecho International Walter Schukin g, from the Universidad de Kiel (Germany); the University of Sabana (Colombia); University of Córdoba (Argentina); and the Red Latinoamericana de Estudos e Investigações en Derecchos Humanos y Humanitário.
The conferences will embroider international perspectives and views on the actions and works of the women of the world.
There will be 26 lecturers who will address topics of contemporary relevance, such as gender perspectives in private international law, the situation of women in periods of social isolation, feminicide and sexual violence against minors, the importance of art in building women's self-esteem, among others.
Conference Format: There will be 4 lectures per day, with 20 minutes for each speaker. At each conference, there will be a presentation of an Eternal Woman, contemplating:
Her biography: A painting by the artist Manu Militão; a representative poem, related to the honoree; A representative song, related to the honoree. Each lecturer will have a digital painting done live by the artist Manu Militão.
Still anonymous from the vast majority of people, these women were nominated by those who admired them and considered them a reference in their struggles.
There are those who fight against the violence suffered by women. Or for the poorest. There are those who dedicate themselves to the elderly, children with hear disease or people with disabilities. There are those who are the living memory of quilombolas. There are those who get up every day to fight for gender equality and women's empowerment. There are those who seek transformation through the creative economy. There are those who faced prejudice in order to have a university education. All of these struggles are also ours. That is who honoring these women is also honoring each of us.
Clique aqui e confira as obras das mulheres homenageadas
Download and print our certificate template and use it to honor a woman you admire and is considered an ETERNAL WOMAN for you.
Mônica Moreira Lopes - General Coordination
Maria Elizabeth Rocha - Scientific Coordination
Célia Cristina Silva - Text Revision
Felipe Castanheira - Executive Producer
Viviane Lopes - Design Gráfico
Marcos Veloso - Website
Manu Militão - Visual Artist
Roberto Lemos - Copywriter
Ana Cristina Façanha