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Isabell Büschel studied right at the Universities of Cologne (1999-2000) and Aix-Marseille (2001-2009), where she completed a doctorate on the balance that operates between health protection and fundamental economic freedoms in jurisprudence Court of Justice of the EU. He later carried out post-doctoral research at the Universities of Aix-Marseille (funded by the National Agency for
French Research, ANR) and Basel (funded by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, SAMS) on the protection of the physical person against the infractions of exercise of the rights to physical integrity, personal data and welfare. Isabell Büschel complemented her scientific training with practical experience in the buffets of international economic lawyers BBLP Moquet Borde (Paris), Linklaters (Colony and Paris), the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Since 2014, she works as a consultant in the environmental, energy and transport areas (Madrid and Brussels). He is a member of the Asociación de Abogados Franco-
Germans and the Higher Ambition Coalition which, supported by the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, eceee, asks the EU leaders to comply with the Paris Agreement in their respective ordinances national legal systems and ensuring that the EU's climate policies sean
consistent with their goals.
Contact data :
Madrid (Spain)
T +34 658 391 171
Languages :
German, English, French, Spanish